Friday, July 15, 2011

Hasta Pronto Espana (Goodbye Spain)

I never thought the time would actually come to say goodbye to my beloved Espana. I feel like I have lived here all my life. I completely immersed myself in this culture and it felt like a perfect fit. From the people to the lifestyle, it will be so strange adjusting back to life in suburbia. The more time I spend in cities, the more I realize how much of a city girl I truly am.
However, I can not complain about having to abandon Barcelona, because fortunately for me, I am not yet headed back to Arizona but in fact headed for the city of love. Oh yes, I am finally going to Paris! And better yet, I am meeting my best friend there. I do not think anything in the world could be more perfect. I will be having my own Blair & Serena moment (a la the first few episodes of season 4). Maybe I will even meet my own Louie! (This statement is HIGHLY unlikely...if not impossible)
Right now, I am headed out to enjoy my final night in Barcelona at the Montjuic park magic fountain and bask in all the beautiful things, places, and people I have met throughout my Spanish adventure.

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